You work all your life so that you can retire or slow down and enjoy life more, unfortunately with age comes increasing likelihood of illness and disability. Aging is characterized by the gradual decline in body functions occurring in most tissues and organs. The acceleration of aging in specific tissues leads to a variety of disorders, including neurodegeneration, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases.   What if I told you there is now effective treatment to slow down the diseases of aging.

Follow this logic for a moment to get a better perspective, first think of the body of an organism as a disposable vehicle and genes as immortal, therefore there are two parts: the immortal genes and the disposable vehicle.  Nature is intent on preserving genes and not necessarily the organism, therefore reproduction is an opportunity for the genes to improve the program and continue reproducing the vehicle. This is the basic design of nature as it is now observed, meaning nature is interested in us for reproduction and continuation our genetic lines.  Nature is not so interested in aging.

For all our ancient ancestors and organisms, both prey and predators, to survive and reproduce it is pertinent to be physical fit.  Therefore, aging is not simply a fall back from but, it is promoted by natural selection, because accelerated aging is hardwired with fitness early in life. By selecting for fitness, nature indirectly selects for accelerated aging.

Organism proliferate and grow until reaching their maximum period of fitness, and then that starts to taper off, where by the organism becomes more susceptible to aging and an increase in the probability of death. Aging is the inevitable consequence of living.    

On the face of it, growth and aging are mutually exclusive.  Aging and growth may be linked in a way that growth produces aging.  In other words, excessive growth is a driving force for aging.

According to the new theory, aging is driven by growth secondary to an unfortunate continuation into adulthood of a natural selected developmental program.  This developmental program is referred to as a hyper-functional process, in the sense that it just keeps functioning even though it has completed serving its purpose to the individual organism. Scientist have discovered the exact molecular complex responsible for this hyper-function and thus aging.

The exciting news I have to tell you is not only do scientist know about the hyper-function mechanism in our body, but now have found an medication that can slow it down and thus slow down aging.  The medication was approved for human use in 1999.

This hyper-function switch is a key component of cellular metabolism that integrates nutrient sensing with cellular processes that fuel cell growth and proliferation.

This medication now available to slow the process is becoming a cornerstone of anti-aging given its universal anti-aging effect and the ability to delay almost all diseases of aging

Starting in 2009, numerous studies have demonstrated that this medication prolongs life in organisms, even when started late in life, or administrated transiently or intermittently. 

Since human longevity is limited by death from age-related diseases, a true anti-aging drug must delay age-related diseases. In other words, unless a drug delays age-related diseases, it will not extend lifespan. And vice versa, if a drug prevents age-related diseases, it must extend life span.

In theory, a treatment that slows aging increases both health-span (subclinical period) and lifespan, whereas a treatment that increases lifespan (e.g., coronary bypass, defibrillation) is not necessarily increase health-span. The goal of both anti-aging therapies and preventive medicine is to extend health-span (by preventing diseases), thus extending total lifespan.

So, is it too late to take this medication once aging reaches an unhealthy stage? Actually, it is not too late. Even if one or a few age-related diseases renders aging unhealthy, other potential diseases are still at pre-disease stages, and anti-aging drugs may delay their development. And they may slow down further progression of existing overt diseases.

The side effects of the medication are well-known and reversible. When used on an anti-aging schedule, side effects may be absent but, if not, they may be diminished by combining it with other anti-aging drugs or by temporarily discontinuing it.

First, healthy elderly people chronically treated with this medication showed no ill effects (e.g. hyperglycemia).   Second, there are no truly healthy people among the elderly; otherwise, they would be “immortal”, given that all humans die from age-related diseases, not from healthy aging. And the sooner they would be treated with anti-aging drugs, the longer they would remain relatively healthy.

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