Which Water is the Healthiest?
Water exists in two energy states a low energy form and a high energy form. Different scientists have used different terminology to refer to water in its highest energy state. Those terms are living water, hexagonal water, vortex water, and EZ, exclusion zone, water. In order to simplify the terminology, and all these different names for high energy water will be referred to as “energized water”.
Why drink vortex water?
In order for water to be energized, it must move and nature’s preferential movement form is the spiral or vortex form. Victor Schauberger, a water scientist, recognized the vortex motion as nature’s mechanism for transforming energy from one level to another. Schauberger knew that water could maintain its vitality and energy if allowed to tumble about in a spiralling vortex-like manner. Water did not just flow in streams and rivers, but it tumbled in a vortex-like manner. For Schauberger, this was when water was alive and energized. He also recognized it as a living entity, thus the term energized water, whose main function is to accumulate and transform the energies originating from the Earth and the Sun. This process of modernization of our water systems today has devitalized the water. Civilizations modernization of water mains doubled the incidence of cancer in Vienna according to Schauberger’s research a century ago.
I have heard about structured water and hexagonal water (H2O-6) are they the same as energized water?
Yes, structured water and hexagonal water (H2O-6) was the terminology for energized water used by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon. According to Dr. Jhon, water, when energized, forms a hexagonal ring structure and when de-energized forms a pentagonal five-sided ring. In fact, water in its energized form is more compact and more resilient to change. Boiled water that has been energized will return to its original energized form when cooled. Energized water is more compact and penetrates into the intracellular structures of the cell to hydrate and remove wastes, whereas devitalized water cannot efficiently accomplish this. Energized water is not broken down by an individual’s stomach acids when ingested by the mouth.
Is it important to add minerals to water?
Yes, through the course of time it has been found that certain minerals strengthen the H2O-6 structure of energized water. Calcium, zinc, iron, silver, copper and others help to convert water into energized water, while potassium, chloride, fluoride, aluminium, and sulfide, destroy the structure of water. This is probably why true natural “spring water” is the healthiest to drink, it is energized water. It has a full complement of minerals, salts, and trace elements healthy to our bodies and has been exposed to the full complement of the earth’s geophysical forces, while deep in the ground. Magnetic fields are able to increase the concentration of energized water. This is the best water for our health often coming from the upper reaches of mountain springs or deep within the forest. Commercially bottled water “spring water” is, unfortunately, not always of the best quality.
How do you explain water’s higher energy state just from the process of vortexing?
Water exists in three phases of gas, liquid, and ice. Recently it was found that water has a fourth phase, called the “Fourth Phase of Water” which is a book by Dr. Pollack. The term to explain this fourth phase was referred to as the EZ phase, short for exclusion zone.
What happens when water is vortexed? More surface area of the water is exposed to the air, in particular oxygen. More oxygen is incorporated into the water, which increases the amount of EZ water. The increased EZ water induces a diminished volume of cooler water. Dr. Jhon and Schauberger stated that energized water is a cooler and denser form of water. As the EZ phase of water increases from vortexing so does the charge of the water. The EZ phase actually carries a negative charge, and the overall effect is to increase the energy in the total water volume.
Is more alkaline water better for your health?
No, we refer to our vortexed water as non-alkaline water. Alkaline water is actually less healthy to drink. Your stomach is acidic when you dump large amounts of alkaline water it causes indigestion in individuals and more so in the elderly population. The body has to work harder to neutralize a large amount of alkaline water when ingested. The human body has several buffering systems that keep your body in balance. The fluids outside of the cells need to be more alkaline than inside the cell to maintain a normal electric gradient between inside and outside of the cell membrane. Alkaline water does not penetrate into the cells because the inside of your cells needs to be slightly more acidic. Only drinking energized water can hydrate the inside of your cells adequately and keep you healthier.
Tell me why I should drink vortex water.
Energized water improves cellular hydration. Without adequate cellular hydration the body ages faster because of a decreased water turnover in the cells. Ageing is a loss of energized water from organs, tissues and cells and an overall decrease in total body water. The energized water measured by NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance, has short wavelengths allowing it to easier penetrate inside the cell.
Studies have verified that subjects drinking energized water felt less stressed and depressed compared to a control group of individuals. The participants who had drunk the energized water source had a much more radiant and energetic photographic aura surrounding them.
In a study where athletes drank energized water, they experienced increased aerobic capacity, physical performance, energy potentials, and their body’s adaptive reserve. This study was presented by Dr. Konstatin Korotkov at the 2015 Conference of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water in Bulgaria.
Moreover, cells surrounded by non-energized water are weaker and more apt to break down and allow increased genetic mutations leading to an increased risk of cancer.
Energized water can also improve the blooming and harvest of plants and buds by 30%.
Where do I get energized water?
You can go on the internet and shop ‘vortex water bottle’. You can make your own water at home. Just having 8 ounces of energized water a day is enough to help your health, but drinking more is encouraged. Please add minerals to your water.
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