Can Stress Make You Stronger

Scenic shot of the beach with waves hitting the rocks.

IF you are like most people, you probably think of stress as something entirely negative. You wouldn’t be wrong in your thinking, because life in the 21st century is full of day-to-day tasks and obligations. In fact, up to 90% of all visits to primary health care practitioners in North American is due to stress-related illnesses.

What is stress?

It is a biological response in our body to real and perceived threats either psychological or physical. Negative stress impacts our health which results in fatigue, sleeplessness, depression, overeating, bloating, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, premature ageing. Negative stress is processed through our nervous system and creates anxiety.

How stress can work for you?

Think about all the significant accomplishments you’ve had in your life. How many of them came easy and stress-free. Most likely none of them or certainly not very many. Getting better entails effort and discomfort at times in order to gain.

An increase in stress resistance increases the life span. This occurs by a process referred to as hormesis. 

What would you say if I told you that many of the supposedly “healthy” compounds you find in fruits and vegetables were actually toxic? For humans, however, their mildly toxic effects have a compensatory adaptive response on a cellular level which contributes to favorable health outcomes. These healthy foods, while mildly toxic, activate pathways in the body that have a beneficial effect ranging from a bolstered immune system, decreased inflammation, and enhanced cellular function, through the process of hormesis.

Problem is that there needs to way to tap into how the body is processing stress on a cellular level.

New scientific information has uncovered the natural systems which have the ability to detect and control the various forms of stress. There is a complex network of the so-called longevity protection processes, which are composed of several genes termed vitagenes. Vitagenes produce molecules called heat shock proteins, endowed with anti-oxidant and cell protection activities.

Hormesis activates the vitagenes, which in turn produce the heat shock proteins. This hormesis process can either mitigate or amplify stress depending on the dose, just like medicine or a poison.

I focus on finding the primary root causes of your stress issues at the cellular stage resolving them through healthy lifestyle changes and natural means. So, most of the negative stress issues didn’t pop up overnight. I may need months working with you to solve the issues and move you into a sustainable peak long-term health.

Schedule an appointment now to get your personalized roadmap to living longer and ageing better! The idea is to die young as late as possible!


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